We are a group of Christians from all walks of life united by our faith in Jesus Christ. Our desire as a local church meeting at Salisbury Gospel Hall is to share God's message with the community.
Together we seek to bring glory to God through prayer, worship and honouring His Word the Bible.
See our Statement of Beliefs.
The Breaking of Bread or Lord's Supper is a precious time of remembrance, worship and praise of our Lord Jesus Christ. Participants are those who are Born Again Believers, Baptised and in Assembly Fellowship.
Gospel means Good News and the best news you can ever hear is that God loves you and wants to free you from the power and penalty of sin. Come and hear how Jesus Christ provides forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
God speaks to us through His word, the Bible, giving us spiritual food and guidance for our Christian walk. This Ministry session is for the building up of individual and the local church through the teaching of His Word, followed by a time of prayer.
These interactive Bible lessons cater for children aged from toddlers to teens. It's important for young ones to hear of God's love and purpose for their lives. There is a time of singing, Bible stories and crafts followed by morning tea.
These sessions are open for all to hear the consecutive teaching of God's word. It is for the spiritual growth of the Believer but also a means for the unsaved to learn of their need of salvation through Christ.
Recent Ministry Sessions